At night we travel the Universal dream landscapes with our astral bodies. Sometimes we visit places we have been before and we might even bring friends along to experience adventures together.
If you happen to have nightmares on a regular bases it’s possible that you are locked into certain pathways or portals that suck you into the lower realms at night. This means that your astral body is connected to these lower frequencies. The reason of this usually lies into the unconscious or subconscious of your being.
Meditation to heal the astral body
I call upon Sanat Kumara of the light. Thank you Sanat Kumara for taking me to the inner planes of Shamballa, travelling with thousands of angels of the light.
Thank you for cutting away any cords that are connected to my astral body that lead me to other peoples dream paths at night. Thank you for filling me up with gold bright light, overflowing my crown and entire body of light. Thank you for taking away any mental blocks that lead me away from my natural dream pathways.
I call upon a deeper connection with my inner dreamer. That one who holds my highest vision of purity, abundance, health and well being. May this one return to me in full glory and work with me in the inner p planes while I am asleep. I ask for further mergence with my inner dreamer every night. So that when I am awake I am aware of my deepest hearts desires. May my inner dreamer lead me to a life of living my ultimate potential and fill me up with life force and my own divine love.
I ask Sanat Kumara and Archangel Michael to permanently close down any portals or gateways that are not of the light and lead me into the lower realms at night and when I am living from my subconscious. I choose to live in peace and harmony with my surroundings. To live in my mastery of joy and empowerment. Thank you for lifting any blocks and old emotions of suffering from me that lead me away from the journey of my heart’s desire.
I ask my Higher Self of the Light to hereby cancel any contracts, vows and agreements I have made with myself or any beings that connect me to the lower realms and astral planes that are not serving my highest good in this moment. Thank you. In love and light, in love and light, in love and light.
I choose to travel with the angels from now on during my sleep and dreamtime and that I may receive the healing that will serve me tonight.
Changing the outcome of a bad dream
One of my soul sisters taught me how to change the outcome of a bad dream. I am still very grateful that she shared her mastery with me on this subject, for it really works. Especially if you have a re-occurring nightmare.
After you wake, go back to the dream with your guides. Go back to the point before the dream turns bad. Visualize the outcome you would love for this dream. Keep doing this until you calm down.
Sweet dreams
If you happen to have nightmares on a regular bases it’s possible that you are locked into certain pathways or portals that suck you into the lower realms at night. This means that your astral body is connected to these lower frequencies. The reason of this usually lies into the unconscious or subconscious of your being.
Meditation to heal the astral body
I call upon Sanat Kumara of the light. Thank you Sanat Kumara for taking me to the inner planes of Shamballa, travelling with thousands of angels of the light.
Thank you for cutting away any cords that are connected to my astral body that lead me to other peoples dream paths at night. Thank you for filling me up with gold bright light, overflowing my crown and entire body of light. Thank you for taking away any mental blocks that lead me away from my natural dream pathways.
I call upon a deeper connection with my inner dreamer. That one who holds my highest vision of purity, abundance, health and well being. May this one return to me in full glory and work with me in the inner p planes while I am asleep. I ask for further mergence with my inner dreamer every night. So that when I am awake I am aware of my deepest hearts desires. May my inner dreamer lead me to a life of living my ultimate potential and fill me up with life force and my own divine love.
I ask Sanat Kumara and Archangel Michael to permanently close down any portals or gateways that are not of the light and lead me into the lower realms at night and when I am living from my subconscious. I choose to live in peace and harmony with my surroundings. To live in my mastery of joy and empowerment. Thank you for lifting any blocks and old emotions of suffering from me that lead me away from the journey of my heart’s desire.
I ask my Higher Self of the Light to hereby cancel any contracts, vows and agreements I have made with myself or any beings that connect me to the lower realms and astral planes that are not serving my highest good in this moment. Thank you. In love and light, in love and light, in love and light.
I choose to travel with the angels from now on during my sleep and dreamtime and that I may receive the healing that will serve me tonight.
Changing the outcome of a bad dream
One of my soul sisters taught me how to change the outcome of a bad dream. I am still very grateful that she shared her mastery with me on this subject, for it really works. Especially if you have a re-occurring nightmare.
After you wake, go back to the dream with your guides. Go back to the point before the dream turns bad. Visualize the outcome you would love for this dream. Keep doing this until you calm down.
Sweet dreams