About Peter

Peter (spiritual name OmaKayuel) is a gifted healer, who has been in service to hundreds of people internationally for the past 15 years. A teacher and practitioner of The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School, he teaches Full Sensory Perception and Pleiadian Lightwork Classes, Ka Body Activation, Personal Intensives, Workshops and Retreats Worldwide.
- "I highly recommend working with OmaKayuel, both as a practitioner and as a teacher. He truly embodies the teachings. His way of presenting personal issues is non-judgemental and so compassionate while being clear about what needs to be addressed. Working with him towards ascension is a true joy. Being a practitioner and teacher myself, I still continue to value his insights as a friend and colleague".
Devi Prem, USA
"My most profound gratitude goes to Peter OmaKayuel Rees for being such an amazing guide and teacher, channel, inspiration and support on this journey towards Self Mastery. I am honored, humbled and thankful to walk this path with the Norwegian initiates of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School - the joy, strength, healing, sharing, co-creating - is awakening an undescribable sense of belonging, of purpose and direction in my life. I am truly grateful"
Gabriela Barrios Teacher/Practitioner Norway
“Openness doesn’t come from resisting our fears but from getting to know them well”.
Pema Chodron
We live inside of a story called “me”. We rarely take the time to examine and explore the makings of “me” or what I call the dominant identity narrative. This story shapes our actions, interactions and the myriad ways we meet the world. The identity has one purpose only, and that is its own survival. We have an identity, but we are not simply a character in a story, anymore than I have a hand, but I am not that hand. When we meditate and consciously explore the question of “Who am I?” we begin to recognize that we are a witness to it all. As the witness we can begin to open to the mystery of who we really are.
Escape mechanisms
How do I react to my feelings of being scared, bored or anxious? What are my escape mechanisms? Do I turn to TV, use alcohol, drugs, sex or adventure to avoid feeling the fear and pain of existence? How do I fill the days of my life? How do I protect myself and from where do all these strategies and patterns originate? How do I run away from my own pain, fear and insecurity and how could I meet them with a lover’s embrace?
The more we try to escape our fears and undesirable circumstances, the more we trap ourselves in the limits of our identity, which is entirely based on our experiences and patterns from the past. We will never find lasting satisfaction or soul growth by trying to escape our discomfort, pain and suffering. The more we avoid and suppress these feelings the more trapped we feel and the fears and feeling continue to become stronger as we get smaller, harsher and more protected from the wonders of life. It is our curiosity and authentic vulnerability that brings us closer to life, love and the larger self we know is possible.
"Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage".
Brene Brown
Vulnerability, (to be vulnerable, to let ourselves be seen, to be honest) is the birthplace of evolution, creativity and change.
Letting go of beliefs
Are we willing to give up our strongly held beliefs, opinions and illusions of certainty for what’s possible? When we look out at the world that is given to us by our past, we are left trying to control and manipulate life to fit our beliefs. We lose touch with the mystery, the ever-changing landscape of a living, growing and evolving universe. Our attachment to the correctness of our world-view makes us narrow minded, prejudiced and rigid towards others and ourselves, which turns into fear, rigidity and suppression of our most authentic selves.
Transcending fears
We are so often afraid of exposing our true face in fear of appearing stupid, embarrassing ourselves, or offending another, that we hold back and suppress our true brilliance. When we monitor our self-expression, trying to make sure we say the right thing, we miss the beauty of the creativity and potential that is constantly flowing through us. What if we just said what was there in the moment, instead of talking about things that are polite, boring and false?
To transcend our fears or any other emotion that is arising in presence we need to stop monitoring and trying so hard and start allowing, expressing and loving whatever is arising within us. When we don’t know who we are and start loving and embracing what ever is present we tap into our most genuine, creative and interesting selves.
One of the by-products of embracing whatever arises is that you will begin to recognize your fears as doorways to your own evolution. By opening to fully loving ourselves and all that arises, we expand our ability to fully love each other. Our dreams of a world that works for all life rests in this embrace.