Unicorns are beautiful beings to connect with and to help us align more deeply with who we truly are. I would love to share with you some of my own experiences on how to work with unicorn energy and how to to work more closely with their kingdom of love and light.
Before you go to sleep
‘I call upon the Unicorn King and Queen of light. I call upon the Unicorn Kingdom of love and light. I call upon my unicorn guides of light to please be with me. In love and light, in love and light, in love and in light.
Please be with me me tonight and set the space around my bed with your loving energies. Thank you for holding me when I sleep and watching over me'.
With your arm you may draw a circle of light (clockwise) around your bed. In the morning you can lift the circle by doing the same movement counter clockwise.
Locating your unicorn
I love doing this when I’m about to enter a new place or a building. But it also works when you are taking a walk in nature. Try to sense where your unicorn is. Is he or she on your left? Are there more of them? Do they have wings? Do you feel their presence? Are they holding a gift for you? Are you riding your unicorn today? Are they showing you something?
Tuning into the unicorns around me learned me a lot. Sometimes their horn was sending me healing energies or specific wisdom. Other times they where leading the way and showed me new worlds ahead. I would see a light city in front of me with more unicorns in it. It also happened that I would see so many of them that I knew it was going to be an exciting day!
Tuning into their loving energies will help you bond with them and they will be able to give you specific guidance and healing. On earth we have free will and they may only help us when we ask for them.
When you or somebody else is in a lot of pain, you may ask the unicorns to heal you. If you want to help somebody else, ask their permission first. When somebody really chooses to be healed, the unicorns may assist. Ask the unicorns to place you or the other person in a Unicorn Healing Chamber of Light and to seal this sacred space with their love and light. That only those energies of love and light may enter. All other energies: access denied. Thank the unicorns for bringing in their healing rays of light and to surround you with their love and assistance. For taking all the energies and emotions from you that are dim and clouded. To soften and heal your pain and fill you up with golden starlight from the Unicorn Kingdom. Ask them to flow their love to your heart and to open your heart with the radiant light from their horns. Tell them you are willing to live a life of purity and truth and if they will help you be brave and strong. To bless your path of light with grace and ease. Ask them if they will lead the way for you.
Asking them to help you see the truth
You may ask the unicorns to help you in specific situations where you are in need of the divine truth. Tell them why it is important for you to know the divine truth. The unicorns may help you see the divine truth when it comes to choices. The place to know what is true lies within your heart. Ask the unicorns to shine their love, light and wisdom to your heart. Their rays of purity will open your heart and help you get in touch with your own higher knowing. This way you may rely on your own guidance more and more. Just feel what’s in your heart. The heart knows.
The unicorns can also give you symbols to guide you to the truth. And they may strengthen your intuition by radiating the light from their horns into your 3rd eye.
Merging with the unicorns
When it is time for you to merge with the unicorn energy, a special cloak will be presented to you by your own unicorn, or somebody from your own unicorn counsil of light. They will stand before you and gift you with grace for all the work you have done. You may kneel before them in surrender to their loving presence. They will have a special gift for you. After you’ve given your thanks for their presence, they will explain you a bit about your mission with them. How you may work closely with them and what your special task to serve them may be. If you are willing to accept this task and serve them they will always be there for you to assist you in this. You are a divine being of light and they honor you for your willingness to be part of their world and to play your own unique role. It’s a possibility that while you kneel before them, the ray from their horn radiates into your 3rd eye and that a ray will be formed from your 3rd eye. This ray will meet the ray of this specific unicorn. The rays will merge and you will feel your soul be touched by their beautiful energy. This will only occur when you connect with the unicorn from your heart and when you are in alignment with purity. You will become your own Unicorn Self and receive your unicorn heart back on the earth plane. This is an etheric heart that will travel from the ray of the unicorn to your ray. It will melt with your heart chakra and radiate love, peace and purity to the world. Also you will receive your unicorn wings back, attached to your angelic wings. As a double set of wings. These wings spring from the unicorn heart all the way back to your shoulders. Your unicorn presence will connect you more closely to the Unicorn Kingdom and you may take your place in this kingdom of love and light. Walking the earth plane in service of the Unicorn Kingdom.
Bringing out the truth in self and others
In every situation of your life you may ask for the divine truth to make itself known. Truth will transform you and your surroundings. When you start working with the unicorns more closely, you may find that situations or people that have turned away from divine truth will be brought back into the light. This will happen just because you are present as a carrier of divine truth. The sudden outcome of untruth may seem shocking at first. But know that the shock you sense is only darkness facing the light. And then it may transform gracefully with the help of the unicorns. They will help you be brave and face the changes ahead. And your calm and positive attitude will attract others who match this frequency. And you may be a guide to them, assisted by the unicorns. Soon enough grace and ease will step in and all of you will flow with the new. Remember to never judge others who are not choosing truth. You don’t know what their reasons are to do so. And honestly it is none of your business. It is painful enough for those brothers and sisters of you to have stepped away from the light. Send them your love and compassion. And I wish you the joy and fulfilment when they soften eventually. Inspired by the light you hold and the light that surrounds you. True miracles will happen. These people might even become close friends or an inspiration to you one day. Never doubt the power of divine truth. It is a blessing to us all.